Virtual Group Services
WRAP® Support Group
A Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) is a structured system for monitoring distressing and troubling feelings or behaviors. WRAP® helps individuals develop strategies or action plans to deal more productively with these experiences.
We meet every Wednesday 3:00pm-4:30pm Pacific Time
Meeting ID: 822 6258 3150
We want to hear from you ! Our online groups are forming now for Family WRAP® & WRAP® for Addictions
Journaling Out Loud
Description: Journaling Out Loud with One New Heartbeat is a way to experience the restorative healing power of personal journaling in a virtual group setting. We will start with a wellness check-in and a 3–5-minute grounding exercise. Writing is optional for this gathering. A writing prompt is given and through large group discussion and expression participants will first connect to self and then through active listening exercises, thoughts will find expression by journaling out loud together.
Growth is a process – let’s grow together.
This group meets every Friday from 5:30-7:00pm PST
Zoom Meeting ID: 893 3753 0840
Alternatives to Suicide Groups
One New Heartbeat is the organizer of this event, which features the Alternatives to Suicide approach. Developed by the Wildflower Alliance in 2009, this approach stands out as one of the few groups that facilitates meaningful conversations about suicidal thoughts.
Instead of focusing on risk assessment and behavior control, these groups emphasize the creation of a non-judgmental environment to encourage open discussions and dispel the silence and stigma associated with suicide, as well as other "taboo" subjects.
Every 3rd Wednesday
7:00PM Pacific Standard Time / 10:00PM Eastern Time
ZOOM Meeting ID
881 5733 2810 Passcode 366479
Taking Action Group
This group focuses on supporting anyone transitioning through life by providing a supportive space to discuss, process and share strategies for dealing with mental and emotional challenges, addiction, abuse, trauma, bullying, victimization and much more. The group process uses trauma-informed, evidence-based models, individualized planning, mentoring and peer support to encourage participants to take action on gathering support, advocating to get needs met and work towards developing a wellness-oriented lifestyle that is self-directed, rewarding and filled with meaning and purpose.
One New Heartbeat is inviting you to a scheduled virtual group meeting
Alternatives to Suicide ALT2SU
Time: Jan 17, 2024 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Every month on the
Third Wednesday
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 5733 2810
Passcode: 366479
Weekly WRAP Support Group
Every week on Wednesday
06:00 PM Pacific Time
(US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 1114 2646